Monday 31 January 2011

Firefox - the (perhaps second) most devastating browsing machine ever built!

Ah, Firefox. A film that I thought was OK-ish when I was a child, though a bit boring as I didn't think there were enough airplane bits in it. When it came to machines I was more of a Blue Thunder, Airwolf, Streethawk, or Knight Rider kind of boy.

To be honest I can't remember that much about it.

I don't have that much more to say about Firefox the browser, except that I already use it and Chrome in equal measures (Internet Explorer has been relegated for Microsoft Web Outlook, as the crafty M$ types haven't built it to run on any other OS; though the Add-ons IE Tab or IE View fix that!)

My own version of Firefox is perhaps not the sleekest of beasts - too many extensions bogging it down, many of them unused and ripe for an uninstall. Also, I've closed down much of its immediate functionality to protect myself from live code on infected websites (e.g. NoScript and FlashBlock - very hand in a dangerous world!), but then I like to make life hard for myself.

Which brings me to the "List of 100 FireFox Add-ons to Create a Truly Brilliant Browser". Now I know any list like this will be objective, but I can't believe there are no security extensions (such as NoScript, FlashBlock or FlagFox) on there. Surely security has always been one of the browser's most trumpeted trump cards?

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