Thursday, 13 January 2011

New Year, New Blog

As has been mentioned elsewhere, the most difficult part of setting up a new blog so far has been finding a good blog title. Having toyed with all sorts of naffness (“Hurley’s Penultimate Number” anyone?) I gave up, returning to default ageing geek mode...
I started blogging way back in 2003, and it became a pretty time-intensive part of who I was (sad, I know!). Since then spare time has dwindled to almost nothing, and I do feel like I’ve let a part of me fade away. It’ll be interesting to see whether this rekindles the fire (especially now its easier to do these things on mobile devices), or whether the explosion of other social media resources has rendered personal macroblogging a spent force (not that I’ve really found the time to do anything other than tinker at the sidelines of all this modern jiggery-pokery in recent years…)

Sob… I used to spend hours doing this stuff. Back then it was all fields round here… Cascading Style Sheets were but a twinkle in a blogger’s eye – we were all html-monkeys back then. Now I’m all in the dark – but looking forward to being illuminated.

Anyway, as requested in Thing 2.3, I'm looking forward to having the opportunity to acquaint myself with a whole host of new Web 2.0 goodness, and to see what's changed over the years - as it is I only really touch on some of these sites whenever the need arises rather than by choice! I've already got a horribly decrepit iGoogle page attached to one of my other Google accounts (not updated in a long LONG time), I used to be a very active Flickr user before parenthood intervened, and I've done little more than dabble in Google Docs, Twitter and the like. But as with most new technology we end up using it without even realising it, so it should be interesting to step back and see...


  1. You win the prize for best blog title so far. Have you come across Know Your Meme? They specialise in demystifying internet memes and have of course produced a video for all your base are belong to us

  2. Cheers Emma. I got very annoying at the time with All My Base comments...

    My personal favourite was a really good (read as: bad) video complete with techno soundtrack!
